Come on in! Let's talk FOOD!

"Bacon grease makes pretty much anything taste better!" is the local philosophy and I grew up on good, down home country cookin'! Although I've ventured into a healthier way of eating (some of the time) I still enjoy many of the favorites of my childhood. I also have a passion for Italian food and I'm slowly but surely learning the pleasures of cooking with fresh herbs. Here I'll share with you a broad spectrum of recipes...some healthier than others, but all of them guaranteed DELICIOUS! : )

*I have imported posts from my other blog. These posts may involve topics other than food, but they do include recipes or food related information at some point in the post. Future posts to this blog will be more strictly food-related but I did want to include these recipes here.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kelli's Version of Applebee's Chocolate Chip Sunday Dessert

The Hubster and I grabbed lunch at Applebee's a few days ago. (Ever had their Philly Cheesesteak? HIGHLY recommend it!) Trouble is, like most meals eaten in our favorite restaurants, it left us entirely too full to order dessert.

And Applebee's has this fantastic dessert that we love, too!

Does that not look positively sinfully and delectably delicious?

Yes, I thought so, too.

So I made them for everyone later that evening at home.

Kelli's Version of Applebee's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dessert
<-- Click to print

One warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie per dessert
Vanilla ice cream (I prefer vanilla bean)
Hershey's syrup
1 can of whipped cream
Crushed Oreo cookies

I grabbed a roll of Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookie dough for my cookies because I was in a hurry, but you could certainly use homemade. While the cookie is still warm, put it on an individual serving plate and top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Drizzle with Hershey's syrup and then top with a dollop of whipped cream. Now sprinkle crushed Oreos over the entire thing and hand it to the person who is drooling over your shoulder, waiting for you to get it done! : )

Applebee's makes theirs the size of a dinner plate and it takes four of us to eat it all! I like this individual serving size, especially when you want to limit how much sugar your kids are taking in at any one setting. ; ) You can make it as small or as large as you like.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds ah-maz-ing. Will be making it for mothers birthday this weekend.:)


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