Come on in! Let's talk FOOD!

"Bacon grease makes pretty much anything taste better!" is the local philosophy and I grew up on good, down home country cookin'! Although I've ventured into a healthier way of eating (some of the time) I still enjoy many of the favorites of my childhood. I also have a passion for Italian food and I'm slowly but surely learning the pleasures of cooking with fresh herbs. Here I'll share with you a broad spectrum of recipes...some healthier than others, but all of them guaranteed DELICIOUS! : )

*I have imported posts from my other blog. These posts may involve topics other than food, but they do include recipes or food related information at some point in the post. Future posts to this blog will be more strictly food-related but I did want to include these recipes here.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mom's Cornbread

How 'bout a nice, hot skillet of cornbread? Slather on a little butter...maybe some apple butter. With the snow blowing here today, this just seemed like the perfect thing to chase away the cold.

I won't bore you with the trivial steps, but I will show you the all-important ones.

This is the batter, all mixed up and ready to go. (Just follow the directions in the recipe below and you'll be just fine. :) )

And this is the piping hot cast iron skillet, fresh from the oven and anxiously anticipating the arrival of the above batter.

And then the two shall meet (just LISTEN to that wonderful sizzle!) and so begins a beautiful (if somewhat brief) relationship.

See how it's bubbling up and crisping around the edges???

So, after about 25 minutes in a hot oven, this is what you'll have...

Isn't it beautiful???

Wish I could put a scratch-n-sniff on your computer screen. That would definitely seal the deal.

So here is the recipe for this absolute deliciousness. I grew up on it, usually with a pot of brown beans and a slice of onion. But I have found that there are many meals that are vastly improved by the addition of a steamy hot slice of this corn meal ambrosia on the side. And often times it just hogs the spotlight, no meal necessary. Grab some butter, slather it on and you're set.

Mom’s Cornbread

1 ½ cups plain corn meal (NOT corn meal mix)
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
Oil (approximately 2-3 Tablespoons)
Buttermilk enough to make the batter pourable

Preheat oven and cast iron skillet with 2 tablespoons oil to 425*. Do not get oil on sides of skillet, only bottom. This will allow the batter to ‘climb’ the sides of the pan.
Put dry ingredients in sifter and sift into mixing bowl. Add eggs, oil and buttermilk. Stir, adding just enough buttermilk to make the batter pour.
When oven is ready, remove skillet. Pour batter into skillet and return to oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden and set. Immediately turn out onto serving plate and cover with a towel to keep warm until served.

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